Driving School Cost: Average Prices to Expect for Driving Lessons or courses

driving school cost

The cost of driving lessons or courses can vary widely depending on several factors, including your location, the driving school you choose, the type of lessons you need, and the number of lessons required. However, I can provide you with some average price ranges to give you an idea of what to expect in the United States as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that prices may have changed since then, and it’s essential to check with local driving schools for the most up-to-date pricing information.

  1. Individual Driving Lessons: Individual driving lessons typically cost between $50 to $150 per hour. The price can vary based on your location and the experience of the instructor.
  2. Basic Driving Course: A basic driving course, which includes a set number of hours of instruction, may range from $200 to $800. This often includes both classroom instruction and behind-the-wheel training.
  3. Teen Driver’s Education: For teenagers seeking a complete driver’s education program, prices can range from $300 to $800 or more. These programs often include classroom instruction, behind-the-wheel training, and sometimes even permit and licensing fees.
  4. Defensive Driving Courses: If you’re looking to improve your driving skills or reduce insurance premiums, defensive driving courses may cost between $50 and $150.
  5. Online Driving Courses: Online defensive driving or traffic school courses can be more affordable, typically ranging from $20 to $100.
  6. Specialized Training: Some driving schools offer specialized training, such as advanced or performance driving courses. Prices for these can vary significantly but may start at around $300 and go up.
  7. License Testing Fees: If you take your road test through a driving school, they may charge an additional fee for the use of their vehicle and the instructor’s time. This fee can range from $50 to $150.

It’s important to note that many driving schools offer package deals that can provide some cost savings compared to paying for individual lessons. Additionally, the cost of obtaining a driver’s license can include fees for the learner’s permit, the road test, and licensing fees, which vary by state.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, I recommend contacting local driving schools or checking their websites for adult driver education course also. Prices can also vary based on the level of competition among driving schools in your area, so it’s a good idea to shop around and compare rates before making a decision.