What do I need to do to get an Illinois driver’s license 6-hour course?

Approved online drivers education


Getting an Illinois driver’s license is an important step towards independence and freedom. To ensure the safety of both new drivers and those they share the road with, the state of Illinois requires individuals to complete a 6-hour adult driver education course. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps and requirements for obtaining an Illinois driver’s license through this course.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Importance of the 6-Hour Course
  2. Eligibility Requirements
    • Age Requirements
    • Documentation Needed
  3. Selecting a Certified Provider
    • Online vs. In-Person Options
    • Checking Accreditation
  4. Course Curriculum
    • Topics Covered
    • Duration and Schedule
  5. Registration Process
    • Creating an Account
    • Payment Options
  6. Taking the Course
    • Online Course Experience
    • In-Person Class Experience
  7. Passing the Course
    • Quizzes and Examinations
    • Final Exam
  8. Receiving Your Certificate
    • Certificate Delivery
    • Digital Certificate Option
  9. Completing Additional Requirements
    • Vision Test
    • Written Exam
    • Behind-the-Wheel Test
  10. Applying for an Illinois Driver’s License
    • Necessary Documents
    • Visit to the DMV
  11. Tips for Success
    • Study Strategies
    • Staying Informed
  12. FAQs
    • FAQ 1: What is the purpose of the 6-hour course?
    • FAQ 2: How long is the course certificate valid?
    • FAQ 3: Can I take the course if I have an out-of-state license?
    • FAQ 4: Is there a deadline to complete the course?
    • FAQ 5: What if I fail the course?

Understanding the Importance of the 6-Hour Course

Before diving into the details, let’s understand why the Illinois 6-hour adult driver education course is essential. This course is designed to educate new drivers about state traffic laws, safe driving practices, and the importance of responsible driving.

Eligibility Requirements

Age Requirements

To enroll in the 6-hour course, you must be at least 18 years old. However, if you are 17 years old and have successfully completed a driver education course, you are also eligible.

Documentation Needed

You will need to provide proof of identity, residency, and Social Security number when registering for the course. Make sure to gather the required documents beforehand.

Selecting a Certified Provider

Online vs. In-Person Options

Illinois offers both online and in-person 6-hour courses. Choose the format that suits your schedule and learning style. Ensure that the course provider is certified by the state.

Checking Accreditation

Always verify that the course provider is accredited by the Illinois Secretary of State. Accredited providers meet the state’s standards for driver education.

Course Curriculum

Topics Covered

The 6-hour course covers a wide range of topics, including traffic laws, signs, signals, and safe driving practices. It is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a responsible driver.

Duration and Schedule

The course can be completed in six hours, and you can choose a schedule that works best for you. It is divided into modules, making it easy to follow along.

Registration Process

Creating an Account

To get started, create an account on the course provider’s website. You will need to provide your personal information and upload the required documents.

Payment Options

Pay the course fee, which varies depending on the provider and format you choose. Accepted payment methods usually include credit or debit cards.

Taking the Course

Online Course Experience

If you opt for the online course, you can study at your own pace. Modules are typically accessible 24/7, allowing you to complete the course when it’s convenient for you.

In-Person Class Experience

In-person classes provide a structured learning environment. You will attend sessions with an instructor and fellow students. Be sure to arrive on time and participate actively.

Passing the Course

Quizzes and Examinations

Throughout the course, you will encounter quizzes and assessments to test your knowledge. Don’t worry; these are designed to help you learn.

Final Exam

To pass the course, you must successfully complete a final exam. The passing score may vary, but it’s typically around 70%.

Receiving Your Certificate

Certificate Delivery

After successfully completing the course, your certificate will be mailed to you. Make sure your address is up-to-date during registration.

Digital Certificate Option

Some providers offer digital certificates that you can download and print. This option can be more convenient if you need your certificate quickly.

Completing Additional Requirements

Before obtaining your Illinois driver’s license, there are a few additional steps to complete:

Vision Test

You will need to pass a vision test to ensure you can see well enough to drive safely.

Written Exam

Pass the written exam at the DMV, covering traffic laws and regulations.

Behind-the-Wheel Test

Schedule and pass a behind-the-wheel test to demonstrate your driving skills.

Applying for an Illinois Driver’s License

Once you have completed the 6-hour course, passed the vision and written tests, and aced the behind-the-wheel exam, you can apply for your Illinois driver’s license. Be prepared to provide the necessary documents and pay the required fees.

Tips for Success

To excel in your journey to obtaining an Illinois driver’s license, consider the following tips:

  • Study Strategies: Take your coursework seriously and review the material thoroughly.
  • Staying Informed: Keep up with changes in Illinois traffic laws to ensure safe and responsible driving.


Obtaining an Illinois driver’s license through the 6-hour course is an important step towards becoming a responsible and skilled driver. By following the outlined steps and staying committed to safe driving practices, you can achieve this milestone with confidence.


FAQ 1: What is the purpose of the 6-hour course?

The 6-hour course aims to educate new drivers about state traffic laws, safe driving practices, and the importance of responsible driving.

FAQ 2: How long is the course certificate valid?

The course certificate is typically valid for one year from the date of issue.

FAQ 3: Can I take the course if I have an out-of-state license?

Yes, individuals with out-of-state licenses can still take the 6-hour course to obtain an Illinois driver’s license.

FAQ 4: Is there a deadline to complete the course?

While there is no strict deadline, it’s recommended to complete the course in a timely manner to apply for your driver’s license sooner.

FAQ 5: What if I fail the course?

If you fail the 6-hour course, you can retake it. Be sure to review the material and seek help if needed to pass successfully.